
Admiring simplicity

September 2024

An idiot admire complexity, a genius admires simplicity

In order to get shit done, you first have to make it simple. Perfectionism leads to procrastination. One of the principles applied in software engineering is not being a "software overengineer". Your goal is to keep your product as simple as possible.

Recently I started learning designs and UI/UX. I've been admiring engineers at Vercel, and how they make such a good product. The thing is I thought they use some cool, complex libraries and techniques, but turns out they use pure React and Next.js. They managed to make such good shit, with such simple stack. The first goal is to make it work, and then enhance it.

Premature optimization is the root of all evil. If you want to make something fast, efficient and good, everything you need it keeping it simple, and shipping and iterating.